Cody Elhard.

I pride my work on the customer value it creates.

Highly engaged in the newest trends in web technology.

Proud student of North Dakota State University Computer Science Program.


Ruby on Rails


Primary framework used daily at Harvest Profit (Current Employer).



Harvest Profit is currently is the process of converting our main application into a single page application, which will seamlessly switch between views with no comprehended load time to the user.

JavaScript / jQuery


JavaScript is essential to web design and is used frequently to implement functionality extending past the limitations of HTML (View) and CSS (Styles).


Highly Proficient

Quickly create responsive designs, which are easily customizable by bootstrap to create pleasant color schemes. Bootstrap components can be used to create nearly any elements (navigation, slideshow) found on the web.

Electron JS


Electron JS is a JavaScript platform that allows you to create native apps.

I was able to export a React application into Electron JS, which was used on a Raspberry Pi connected to a TV.



I am knowledgeable in the fundamentals of the ASP.NET language, where if I were engaged for a short amount of time I could become useful.

C / Arduino


I am able to write code for Arduino and similar other microcomputers for simple Input / Output operations. Such as reading data and pushing it to an LCD screen.


Harvest Profit (2018 - 2019)

Internship that allowed me to gain experience with Ruby on Rails, React, and various other new emerging technologies.

Nasa JPL Project

A research project that involved creating a 3-tier application using the ASP.NET framework.

Took on a leadership role leading the majority of the work for the project and delegating tasks.

Feel free to view the following articles below.

NDSU (2017 - 2020)

Currently attending for bachelors of computer science

  • Advanced Software Development
  • Databases
  • Algorithmn Analysis
  • Foundation of Web Development

M State (2015-2017)

M State Logo

Attending through the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) while in high school


Harvest Profit - Free Trial Page

Responsive front-end design.

Attempts to engage users with a large amount of content so they can become familiar with the software.


TV Dashboard

Take a picture

Based on design feedback and help from a mentor solely built a TV dashboard using react, which was exported to an Electron app for benefits of local storage / improvements.

Run natively on a Raspberry Pi in the office, with a script to login the user and start the program when the device is powered on.

Weather Station

Wrote code to read weather data from a variety of sensors such as Rainfall, Wind direction, and wind speed.

Data was pushed to a Ruby on Rails website that would add the data to a database.

Application used VictoryChart from formidable labs to display the results.

View Code

Harvest Profit - Balance Sheet

Solely developed a Balance Sheet feature for Harvest Profit from start to finish with the mentorship of others.

Learned how to take a long term project from start to finish.

Press release featured on businesswire.

Ole's Masonry

Sole builder for the website of a small masonry contractor.

Provides a clean view with the purpose of allowing customers to easily contact the owner.

View Website

React Image Search

Simple application for demonstrating the use of React.

React appliciations are quickly trending for their sense of no minimal percieved load time to the user.

View Website